Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Snow is falling...

If there was any doubt against the weather forecasters, the snow has arrived...and keeps arriving.  That ruler on the right is at 6" deep.  We're expected to get another 5-7" today, and up to a foot by morning.

We received the wake-up call at 5:45am from Jefferson County's resident automated robot voice, telling us that all county school's are closed.  I'd imagine tomorrow will be the same story.

Fortunately for me, it's a work day from home, hangin' with the family, and from the comfort of my laptop and dining room table, looking out the window at the following view:

We'll keep you posted on what the winter storm dumps over the next 24 hours.



Susan said...

We have been thinking about you all and winter wonderland. Keep warm and safe.

Amy said...

Been thinking about you guys whenever I watch updates on the Weather Channel. Stay warm and enjoy the pretty snow!